HEH/EHP를 함유(含有)한 추출(抽出)수지의 추출특성(抽出特性)

Extraction characteristics of extraction resins containing HEH/EHP

  • Park, Kye-Sung (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)) ;
  • Kim, Joon-Soo (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM))
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


본 연구는 Gd 용액을 대상으로 추출시간, 평형 pH와 초기농도의 변화를 통하여 HEH/EHP를 함유한 추출수지의 추출특성을 파악하고자 하였다. 추출수지를 사용하여 Gd을 추출시 추출시간은 90분 정도가 적절한 것으로 판단된다. 추출율(%)은 평형 pH $1.0{\sim}2.0$ 사이에서 평형 pH가 증가할수록 증가하였다. 평형에서 Freundlich 흡착등온식을 사용하여 계산된 측정값과 예측값이 잘 일치하였다.

This study was to investigate the extraction characteristics of extraction resins containing HEH/EHP for Gadolinium solution. The experiments were carried out with the variation of equilibrium pH and initial concentration of Gd. The optimum extraction time was 90 mins on Gd extraction using resin. The extraction ratio(%) was increased by increasing equilibrium pH from pH 1.0 to 2.0. The experimentally measured amounts of Gd on resins at equilibrium agreed well with those predicted using Freundlich's isotherm.



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