The Causal Relationship of Adolescent's Family Conflicts, Self-concept, and School Adjustment as Health Protection Behavior

청소년이 인지하는 가족내 갈등과 건강보호행동으로서의 자아개념, 학교적응간의 인과관계분석

  • Published : 2006.06.01


Objectives: The school adjustment problems of the adolescence groups become more aggravated and are on the increase. The objective of this study is to identify the causal relationship of intra-family conflicts, self-concept and school adjustment as health protection behavior. Methods: The study setting is the adolescence groups. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires from the middle and high school students in Seoul. The study sample consisted of 268 students. Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) analysis was conducted to find the causal relationship of intra-family conflicts, self-concept and school adjustment. Results: This study shows that firstly, the total effects of intra-family conflicts have a negative effect on self-concept(path coefficients=-0.080) and school adjustment(path coefficients=-0.107). And the self-concept factor as an intervening variable are affecting positively on school adjustment(path coefficients=0.411). Secondly, the economic conflicts, personaliy conflicts and social activity conflicts of father and mother among various family conflicts are more highly affecting on self-concept and school adjustment(p<0.01) Conclusions: These results imply that first, communication between parents and students is essential to solve the problems of school adjustment. Especially economic conflicts should be solved to improve the self-concept and school adjustment. second, a variety of programs are available for schools to employ in an effort to provide interventions for students who demonstrate school adjustment. Finally, it is necessary for family, school and all the society members to comprehensively cooperate to solve family conflicts and school adjustment.



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