한국과 일본 녹지체계의 발전 특성에 대한 연구

A Comparative Study on the Development Characteristic of Parks and Green Systems between Korea and Japan

  • Park Koo-Won (Dept. of Tourism Management, Chongju University)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


Japan has been tried to integrate Western planning theories into its parks and green systems in the past. However this effect has been regarded unsuccessful. One of reasons for this is that the green systems have been treated as an urban facility, instead as systems. Another reason has to deal with greenbelt's stationary and reservation characteristics that make difficulty to respond timely to the rapid urbanization. The parks and green systems in Korea was introduced in 1990 and began to be promoted fully with the 'Parte and Green Master Plan' established in 2005. However, due to its short history, incomplete aspects exist in its philosophy and methods for promoting the system. Based on these experiences, the current green zone plans in Japan considers the green structure as an independent institution and amenity plan, not a tool of urban planning, that can be a medium for realization of urban visions. And main characteristics of this approach are 1) classifying the green structure into four categories in order to respond to urban forms and purposes, 2) pursuing confirmity with urban planning, and 3) executing the landscape plan based upon core green areas. From reviews upon experiences of Japan as well as considerations on demands and conditions of green systems in Korea, we proposed the following five new strategies for the construction of the urban parte and green system in Korea. They are 1) to develop urban parks and green systems into a genre of urban development improving the quality and local competitiveness of cities rather than a means of urban planning; 2) to form the integrated structure of urban green zones; 3) to transform the urban parte and green systems into practical systems as the centers of localities; 4) to raise criteria for planning and execution plans for effective implementations of the urban parte and green systems, and 5) to provide specific guidelines for the construction of urban parks and green systems through organizing research groups or specialists.



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