사국(四國)산촌의 은거옥(隱居屋)의 특성에 관한 조사연구 -일본 덕도현(德島縣) 동조곡산촌(東祖谷山村) 낙합지구(落合地區)를 중심으로-

Survey Research Regarding the characteristic of the Retirement House in Mountain Village of Shikoku - Focusing on Ochiai area in Higashiiyayama-son in Tokushima Prefecture of Japan

  • 박찬 (전남대학교 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


This research is the survey result of the retirement house in Ochiai area that is a famous as mountain village of Japan. This area is being formed in a steep slope and be arranged the building long a side along the contour line. As for the plan type of a main house 'the middle bedroom three-madori(bay) type' and 'the parallel two madori(bay) type' occupy many. As for in the retirement custom of Ochiai area the independence family style (separation/ separate meal/separate household economy) is a principle and a parents family builds the retirement house and move out. The plan. of the retirement house is two-room type of 'Omote(public room) and Uchi(kitchen and living room)' and agree with the plane prototype 'plan constitution of a necessary minimum' of farmhouse of this area. The reconstruction that the retirement house is remodeled handily with a main home, especially intend the convenience of the life such as a kitchen and toilet has been done. The retirement custom has been succeeded thoroughly until recent years in this area. However, this traditional custom is seeing the end, without there is the successor of a main house with depopulation.



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