수도권 치매요양시설의 건축적 특성

Dementia Units' Architectural Features in the Metropolitan Area

  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


The purpose of this study is to unveil the characteristics of residential space organizations in dementia units. Observation, interview, and drawing analysis of the sample units were used to collect the data for new dementia unit plans. The findings revealed the lack of minimum requirement of residential spaces per person in some sample units, the necessity of consideration of group units, and the change of units based plans to each floor based plans. However, insufficient recreation rooms and the lack of caregivers' resting spaces in the sample units were uncovered. Thus, various recreation rooms such as a reading room, flower room, pottery room, bakery room, or game room should be provided in the sample units. The conclusion is that asylum oriented residential types should be changed to each floor based units having privacy and high satisfaction of residential life. The study of floor oriented residential units focusing on minimum spaces of the floor, space numbers, number of elderly persons on each floor should be studied in the near future.



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