Variation Analysis of Elevation within a Rice Paddy Field

수도작 포장의 고저차 분석

  • Sung J.H. (National Institute of Agricultural Engineering RDA) ;
  • Jang S.W. (National Institute of Agricultural Engineering RDA)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


Elevation differences within a paddy field relate strongly to plant health, crop homogeneity, and pest control. For precision agriculture (PA), the elevation within a field should be precisely controlled. We analyzed variation in elevation within a rice paddy field over one crop cycle. The study took place in a rectangular plot (100 m x 30 m). Elevations within the a plots was measured by a laser-equipped surveying instrument, that could determine elevations to precisions of I mm. The test field was divided into grids with 30 squares; elevation was measured at the center of each 5 x 10-m grid square. This study measured elevation during nine observation periods from pre-plowing to post-harvest. Descriptive statistics showed the highest elevations after plowing due to soil disturbance. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant elevation differences before and after plowing and transplanting, although elevations were similar over the period of crop growth. Comparison of pre-plowing and post-harvest data showed differences in elevations, indicating that elevation changes occurred during plowing, rice transplanting, plant growth, and harvesting. In summary, the above statistical analysis indicated that elevation changes occurred due to plowing but not during the plant growth season or due to harvesting.



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