The Study of Criteria Weight for Taiwan National Quality Award by Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis

  • Li, Shao-Chang (Department of Business Administration Kao Yuan University) ;
  • Fu, Hsin-Pin (Institute of Marketing/Distribution Management National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology)
  • Published : 2006.08.30


In this paper, fuzzy hierarchical analysis (FHA) is used to explore the process by which the criteria weights of the Taiwan National Quality Award (TNQA) are assigned by TNQA committee members. Each member is allowed to employ fuzzy scales in place of exact scales. Each pairwise comparison of criteria is made through a questionnaire from each TNQA committee member. The membership function of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers is introduced to specify TNQA committee members' intentions. After FHA, the reasonable range of each criterion weight of TNQA is determined. The current criteria weights of TNQA are properly verified.



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