모유팩 모유수유아 어머니와 인공수유아 어머니간의 모아애착과 모성역할자신감 비교 - NICU의 저출생체중아를 중심으로 -

Comparison of Maternal Attachment and Maternal Role Confidence between Breast Milk in Sanitary Pack Feeding Infant's Mothers and Bottle Feeding Infant's Mothers of Low Birth Weight Infants in NICU

  • 발행 : 2006.07.31


Purpose: This study was performed to compare the difference of maternal attachment and the maternal role confidence between mother who feeds the child with mother's milk in sanitary pack by a nurse instead of her and mother who feeds the child with artificial milk. Methods: The subjects of this study consisted of mothers of premature baby who was in NICU and can not be fed with mother's milk directly. In the sample, 21 mothers were the breast feeding group and 20 were the bottle feeding group. Data were collected from April 3, 2004 to November 2, 2005, and were analyzed using SPSS WIN 10.0. Results: The degree of maternal attachment and maternal role confidence of the breast milk feeding group was higher than that of the bottle feeding group. In accordance with general characteristics, the difference was found in maternal attachment and maternal role confidence both breast feeding group and bottle feeding group. Conclusion: More systematic nursing mediation is required for the lactation of mother's milk in sanitary pack is planned to do positive interaction between mother and the child, which has an influence on the formation of maternal attachment and the of maternal role confidence after hospitalization.
