Implementation of HMM Based Speech Recognizer with Medium Vocabulary Size Using TMS320C6201 DSP

TMS320C6201 DSP를 이용한 HMM 기반의 음성인식기 구현

  • Jung, Sung-Yun (Telecom Examination Div., The Korean Intellectual Property Office) ;
  • Son, Jong-Mok (Application Technology Research Department, National Security Research Institute) ;
  • Bae, Keun-Sung (School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 2006.03.31


In this paper, we focused on the real time implementation of a speech recognition system with medium size of vocabulary considering its application to a mobile phone. First, we developed the PC based variable vocabulary word recognizer having the size of program memory and total acoustic models as small as possible. To reduce the memory size of acoustic models, linear discriminant analysis and phonetic tied mixture were applied in the feature selection process and training HMMs, respectively. In addition, state based Gaussian selection method with the real time cepstral normalization was used for reduction of computational load and robust recognition. Then, we verified the real-time operation of the implemented recognition system on the TMS320C6201 EVM board. The implemented recognition system uses memory size of about 610 kbytes including both program memory and data memory. The recognition rate was 95.86% for ETRI 445DB, and 96.4%, 97.92%, 87.04% for three kinds of name databases collected through the mobile phones.



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