Ni도금강판의 극저주파 차폐 특성

ELF Shielding Effectiveness of Ni Electrodeposited Steel Sheets

  • 김찬욱 (포항산업과학연구원 재료공정연구센타) ;
  • 김병문 (경북 전략산업기획단 평가기획실) ;
  • 석한길 (강원대학교 재료금속공학과)
  • Kim, C.W. (Material Processing Center, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST)) ;
  • Kim, B.M. (Evaluation & Planning Group, Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Agency) ;
  • Suk, H.G. (Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.30


In order to enhance the electromagnetic shielding efficiency of commercialized cold-rolled steel sheets, we have prepared Ni deposited steel sheets by the electrodeposition method. Surface alloying with Ni and Fe was achieved on a steel sheet by diffusion annealing process. Shielding effectiveness measurement results showed that annealed Ni electrodeposited steel sheets enhanced the shielding efficiency up to about 3 dB in the frequency range of 20 to 200Hz, compared with that of non-deposited steel sheets.



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