A Study on the Degree of Influence of Technology by AHP

AHP를 이용한 기술기여도 산정에 관한 연구

  • 이영찬 (한국과학기술연구원 산학협력단) ;
  • 한관순 (경원전문대학 산업경영정보시스템)
  • Published : 2006.12.31


The importance of intellectual property is increasing in the knowledge and information era. An organization that embraces technology and strategy is faced with promising opportunities and managerial difficulties. Forecasting the performance of technology and the underlying costs to achieve such performance is even more difficult than before. Those organizations that employ technology as part of their strategic arsenal know that they are running serious risks, which clearly increases the uncertainty of organizational performance. Therefore forecasting the performance of technology is a difficult task since technology has been characterized by intangible and tacit factors and traded in a supplier's market. The decision makers usually face a complex system of interrelated components, such as resources, desired outcomes or objectives. This study intends to evaluate the contribution of technology in intangible assets by the Analytic Hierarchy Process.



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