The Case Study of the Entrepreneurship Intensive Programs and the Successful Diffusing Strategies of the Entrepreneurship Education.

벤처창업전문과정(EIP) 사업추진 성공사례와 확산전략

  • 하규수 (호서대학교 벤처전문대학원) ;
  • 이택호 (서울벤처정보대학원대학교 정보경영학과) ;
  • 이승원 (중소기업청 소상공인지원과) ;
  • 김기학 (한국전력)
  • Published : 2006.09.30


This paper introduced successful case studies of the EIP (Entrepreneurship Intensive Programs) programs that are planed by 5MBA (Small and Medium Business Administration) and executed by Hoseo University and Jinju National University in 2004. Therefore, the illustrations and examples used in this paper are based on the EIP programs of those schools. Currently there are five graduate schools for Entrepreneurship educations that are originated from the EIP program models and those graduateschools are actively and successfully working. The purpose of this paper is to find out the diffusing strategies of the Entrepreneurship spirits and Entrepreneurship Education programs after careful analysis and review of the EIP programs. The main factors of the Success of the EIP are as follows. First, there were excellent modules of the education process. Second, there were firm and clear goals of the education. Three, there were differentiated contents of the entrepreneurship education programs. Four. each and every education performance was monitored. Five, during the programs, real start-up cases were actually handled and students had many opportunities to present their cases. However, there were some shortcomings to improve and change of the entrepreneurship education. First of all, it was very difficult to make proper education formation that is fit in the purpose of the program. Second, motivating students to find out their own business opportunities so as to turn them into real business was not satisfactory or easy. Third, there were some limitations in distributing and executing the EIP budgets. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of the Entrepreneurship education, following expanding strategies should be complemented. First, continuous redesigning of the entrepreneurship education programs is very important. Second, the specialization of the contents of the entrepreneurship education programs is essential. Third, there should be some discretionary room for the management of the entrepreneurship programs. Fourth, it is also important activating the entrepreneurship networks among schools of the entrepreneurship education. Finally, it is necessary to give some incentives and motivations based on the proper performance evaluation system.

본 연구는 중소기업청이 개설을 계획하고 EIP 사업을 추진한 호서대학교와 진주산업대학교 등 양 대학교의 EIP 사업추진 성공사례를 소개하였다. 현재 EIP가 확대 개편되어 전국 5개 대학교에서 벤처창업관련 대학원으로 운영하는 모범적 발전과정은 양 대학교의 EIP 사업추진 성공사례에 기인한다고 판단된다. 본 연구의 목적은 EIP 사업추진 성공사례를 분석하여 향후 단기 집중과정으로 벤처창업교육을 확산할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는데 있다. EIP의 성공요인은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 짜임새 있는 교육과정 모형을 만들었다. 둘째, 확고한 교육목표를 두었다. 셋째, 차별화된 교육내용을 구성하였다. 넷째, 교육성과를 모니터링하였다. 다섯째, 창업사례를 발표하는 기회를 자주 만들었다. 하지만 다음과 같은 애로요인도 있었다. 첫째, 교육목표를 달성하기 위한 교과과정 편성의 어려움이다. 둘째, 교육생의 교육동기를 사업기회의 발견으로 유도하는데 미흡하였다. 셋째, EIP예산 배정과 집행의 한계이다. 따라서 벤처창업 교육과정의 효율성을 제고하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 확산전략이 보완되어야 한다. 첫째, 벤처창업 교육과정의 지속적 재설계이다. 둘째, 창업교육내용의 특화이다. 셋째, EIP 운영의 자율성 확대이다. 넷째, 대학 간 교류 협력 활성화이다. 다섯째, 성과평가 체계를 구축하여 사업추진 동기를 부여하여야 한다.
