A Study on the Application Method for Recycling Water System

가압형평막(한외여과막)과 자외선 및 오존발생 장치(AOP System)를 이용한 중수설비 적용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.06.01


The amount of water demand at large buildings is increasing with the concentration of population to city and a rise in the standard of living in the city area. In this reason the Water Shortage is expected and a problem of water pollution by the city sewerage is increasing. One of method of saving city water demand and city sewer is applying recycling water system witch make used water reuse by purification of water. The application of recycling water system witch make used performed since the application of Lotte World Complex. But the popularization of this system is not activated because of cost problem and feeling of people to the water recycled. So in this study, provide application method for recycling water system by propose the estimation method of optimal sizing of recycling water system.



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