트윈세대의 외모와 스타일에 대한 의식

Perception of Appearance and Style of Tween Generation

  • Kim Chan-Ju (Dept. of Fashion & Industry, University of Incheon) ;
  • Kim Yong-Ju (Dept. of Fashion Design, Hansung University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Tween refers 'between' generation aged of 10-16 who are between child and high teens. Tweens have been regarded as one of the fast growing markets and they show some unique characteristics as next-generation consumers. This study has explored the perception of their appearances and clothing styles, style preferences, and influencing factors on clothing behavior of tweens. 120 students aged of 12-15 participated in depth interview and data were structured and categorized by applying domain analysis. Results showed tweens have great concerns on their appearances and styles, so they want to express their identities and aesthetic favors through clothing styles. As for clothing style preferences, they have multi-facet tastes such as casual, active, feminine/ masculine, sophisticated, dramatic, etc. Factors influencing on their clothing behavior include reference groups like friends, dual desires of conformity and individuality, fashion, and brand names.



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