The Intertidal Macrobenthic Community along an Artificial Structure

인공구조물에 따른 조간대 대형저서동물 군집변화

  • Yu Ok-Hwan (Marine Environment Research Department Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Lee Hyung-Gon (Marine Environment Research Department Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ;
  • Lee Jae-Hac (Marine Environment Research Department Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute)
  • 유옥환 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 이형곤 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부) ;
  • 이재학 (한국해양연구원 해양환경연구본부)
  • Published : 2006.05.01


Artificial structures have been designed as pilot structures to promote the creation and restoration of tidal flats. However, little information is available as to whether such artificial construction affects the macrobenthic community structure. We monitored the variation of the macrobenthic community structure and species composition near natural and artificial structures (seaweed and a timber fence) on the tidal flats near the Iwon Dike, Korea. In total, 137 macrobenthic species were recorded during this study, predominantly crustaceans (47%), polychaetes (18%), and molluscs (27%). Polychaetes comprised over 50% of the total density, followed by gastropods (38%) and crustaceans (11%). Macrobenthic species composition in the artificial and natural areas, was initially similar, but it differed after 7 months. The gastropod Umbonium thomasi, the most dominant species, was present at both sites in the first month after the start of the experiment, but disappeared at the artificial sites within 7 months, suggesting disturbance by the environmental factors. The number of species and diversity (H') varied significantly within sites at the beginning of the experiment, but no difference was observed after 7 months. Multivariate analysis (multidimensional scaling) revealed significant differences in community structure between the artificial and the natural areas from 7 months after the start of the experiment, except from 18 to 21 months. The community structures were mainly influenced by U. thomasi. Community structure at the artificial sites was affected by environmental variables, such as carbon, COD/IL sulfide, loss of ignition, kurtosis and silt, which changed over time. We observed no significant correlations between environmental variables and the dominant species, except in the case of Spio sp. and Macrophthalmus dilatatus, suggesting that the biological interactions and temporary disturbances such as typhoon, as well as the effects of artificial structures may also be important regulating factors in this system.



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