로봇 손을 위한 인간 손가락의 관절간 운동특성 고찰

A Study on Characteristics of Inter-Articular Coordination of Human Fingers for Robotic Hands

  • 김병호 (경성대학교 전기전자메카트로닉스공학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.07.01


One of challenging topics for humanoid hands is to modulate a human-like motion of humanoid fingers handling an object. To this end, recognizing the motion behavior of human fingers is very important aspect. Based on this concept, this paper identifies the .joint trajectories of human fingers for an operation of hand opening and closing, and specifies an empirical model that coordinates an inter-articular relationship of human fingers doing the given motion. It is expected that the inter-articular model presented in this paper is applicable for humanoid fingers to mimic the natural motion of human fingers.



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