녹색관광마을의 이미지 차별화를 위한 CI통합계획

Integrated CI Planning and Design of Green Tourism Village for Image Distinction

  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Integrated CI (country identity, community identity) planning is necessary for establishing identity and a distinct image as well as for managing green tourism villages. In addition, CI planning will be helpful for improving and advertising a village's image, capitalizing on its specialties and attracting many visitors to the village. Therefore, this study mainly intended to plan and design integrated CI for a green tourism village. For this purpose, this study selected Hari village in Hongsung-Kun, Chungnam province, which the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry designated as a green tourism village in 2003. Twenty CI alternatives were developed, and a vote was conducted with 143 visitors and rural residents attending a village festival in 2004. This study resulted in a new brand-name, 'Hanuri,' and developed symbols, logotypes, distinctive colors, signature system as a basic system and name cards, packaging materials, and signs for use. Above all, this study led the residents to pursue a village identity, village image and community spirit, which can be an effective management strategy to create a distinct image in a green tourism village.



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