벽체용 경량 콘크리트의 제조 및 흡차음 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Sound Characteristic of Insulation and Manufacturing of Lightweight Concrete for Wall System

  • 발행 : 2006.03.30


This paper deals with the experimental for manufacturing the lightweight buildng materials with portland cement, fly ash, slag, lime, gypsum, and aluminum powder system. Aluminum powder was added an aerating agent. Specific gravity range of lightweight concrete specimens were 0.6~0.9g/cm3. These specimens properties studied by means of specific gravity, compressive strength, absorption coefficient, transmission loss and scanning electron microscopy. Cellular concrete with maximum compressive strength was 41kgf/cm2 by obtained Al=0.05wt.%. Moreover, the aeration lightweight concrete showed excellent sound absorption properties.



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