An Analysis of Agricultural Landuse Suitability Using Landuse Limitation Factors - A Case Study of Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Kyungsangnam-do -

토지이용 제한인자를 활용한 농업적 토지이용 적합성 분석 - 경상남도 창녕군 이방면을 대상으로 -

  • Jang, Gab-Sue (Dept. of Environmental and Ecological Research, Chungnam Development Institute) ;
  • Park, In-Hwan (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Coll. of Agr. & Life., Kyungpook National University)
  • 장갑수 (충남발전연구원 환경생태연구부) ;
  • 박인환 (경북대학교 농업생명과학대학 조경학과)
  • Received : 2006.05.09
  • Accepted : 2006.11.24
  • Published : 2006.12.30


The excessive land activities in farming can cause soil erosion, inundation by a flood, and fallow. So far land evaluation has been analyzed using the land use limitation derived from the excessive land activities. This study was done for evaluating the agricultural fields by using 3 land use limitations, inundation potential, soil erodibility potential, and fallow potential. The study area is Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongnam-province, Korea. A logistic regression model was applied to recognize the inundation potential by a flood in the Nakdong river basin. And potential soil erodibility index (PSEI) was derived from USLE model to analyze the soil erodibility potential. And a probability model from a logistic regression model was applied to detect the fallow potential. Therefore, we found 220.7ha for the 4th grade and 86.1ha for the 5th grade was analyzed as water damage potential. Large area near Nakdong river have problem to grow the rice due to the damage by water inundation. And 213.6ha for the 3rd grade and 103.3ha for 4th grade was detected as a result of the analysis of soil erosion potential. The soil erosion potential was high when within-field integrity of soil was not stable, or the kinetic energy was high or the slope length was long due to a steep slope of a specific land. And 869.1ha for 3rd grade, 174.9ha for 4th grade, and 110.6ha for 5th grade was detected to be distributed having the fallow potential. Especially, a village, having a steep mountain, had 249.5ha for the 3rd grade, which was 28.7% of total area showing the 3rd grade. Finally, Three villages, including An-ri, Geonam-ri, Songgok-ri, showed they had largest area of the suitable land in the study area. These villages had similar topographic condition where they were far from Nakdong river, and they had relatively higher elevation and flat lands.



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