디지털 디자인 프로세스로 본 다이어그램(Diagram)에 관한 연구 - 질 들뢰즈의 '추상기계'와 피터 아이젠만, 벤 반 버클의 '다이어그램'을 중심으로 -

A Study on 'Diagram' as a Digital Design process - Through G. Deleuze's 'machine abstraite' and Peter Eisenman, Ben Van Berkel's 'Diagram'-

  • 강훈 (부산대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Among the architects who use diagrams as a digital design process, especially through Peter Eisenman and Ben van Berkel's works, we have specifically got the meaning of their diagrams. Their diagrams act as 'the block of becoming' and we can regard the diagrams not only as a tool of devenir including architect's root thoughts beyond a tool of schematic presentation, but also as architect's intention including devenir thought. And in the case of diagrams which the architects use, we can recognize that architects' intentions are to think that Deleuze's 'machine abstraite' evolve the diagram into various and transformed form. That is to say, Peter Eisenman interprets the machine abstraite as a root thought of devenir by using diagram as medium to reveal the virtual. And Ben van Berkel transforms the diagram by including all external conditions into selected diagram which shows the abstract relations to the elements. We can get the meaning of the machine abstraite from these cases well. This study will play an important role in giving good usage of the diagram in making a form of contemporary digital architecture and showing the direction of form creation field.



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