친환경 교통수단으로서 KTX의 역할과 기대

  • Published : 2006.06.01


Green gas emissions Trading System(ETS) came into effect in the Europe last year 2005. All transport modes have tried to reduce green gas emission and EU member countries are promoting the use of environmental friendly transport mode to avoid economic loss due to green gas emission. Besides ETS, rapidly rising of oil price and peak oil urge to invest more in the environmental friendly public transport mode and to discourage the use of private cars. The operation of KTX is estimated to bring external cost reduction up to 570 bil. won in 2004 based on European external unit costs of transport modes. This result implies that the expansion of high speed rail network and reconsideration of East-West high speed rail network which is not considered because of weak economic validity is required.



  1. 김준순 외, 2002. 육상교통수단의 환경성 비교분석, 한국환경정책.평가연구원
  2. 대통령자문 지속가능발전위원회, 제69회 국정과제회의 본보고서, 지속가능한 교통정책, 2005. 12
  3. Adam Porter. 2005. lEA Confronts "Peak Oil". www.peakoil.net/IEA2005.html
  4. ACIL Consultant. 2001. Rail in Sustainable Transport: A Report to the Rail Group of the Standing Committe on Transport
  5. Daniel Yergin, It's not the End of the Oil Age, Washington Post. 2005.7.31
  6. David Goodstein. 2005. Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil
  7. EEA, 2001. Annual EC greenhouse gas inventory 1990-1999
  8. John H. Wood et.al. Long-Term World Oil Supply Scenarios, www.eia.doe.gov
  9. Matthew R Simmons, 2005, Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy, Wiley)
  10. National Academy of Engineering 및 Board on Energy and Environment Systems. 2004. The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and R&D Needs)
  11. New York Times, The End of Oil, 2006. 3.1
  12. Robert L. Hirsch, Testimony on Peak Oil, Before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, 2005.12.7