Analysis of Pre-service Teachers' Lesson Planing Strategies in Elementary School Science

초등 예비 과학교사들의 과학 수업지도안 작성 전략 분석

  • Published : 2006.05.01


The purpose of this study was to explore strategies used by pre-service elementary science teachers in planning a science lesson. The participants were six senior students from a national university of education located in the midwestern area of Korea. Data regarding their planning strategies were gathered through both thinking-aloud and observation. Research findings suggest that: three of the teachers had little understanding of the necessity of reviewing unit contents or prior learning for planning a science lesson; five student teachers relied heavily on learning objectives presented in teachers' guidebooks without considering their appropriateness; all teachers exhibited an intention of composing different activities or teaching approaches from teachers' guidebooks; only two teachers thought about learners' prior knowledge or understanding levels; five and three teachers had poor understanding of discovery learning models and importance of teacher's questioning, respectively; and five teachers paid little attention to assessment.
