대학 도서관 열람실의 효율적 운영방안

Efficient Management of Reading-Rooms in a University Library

  • 김지표 (서울산업대학교산업정보시스템공학과)
  • Kim, Ji-Pyo (Dept. of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 20051200
  • 심사 : 20060500
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


The university library plays the most important role in university. It provides the space and facilities to keep a variety of books and read them. One facility which is the most frequently used in a library is a reading room. In reality, it is the place where many college students spend most of their time. However, there are sometimes severe competitions to get a seat in a reading room, especially near the time of examinations. In order to resolve this situation and to increase the student‘s satisfaction, these days, many universities have installed a seat management system. In this paper, first, problems on the management of a reading room and student’s responses are reviewed. Then operational issues on the seat management systems are investigated and analyzed through simulations. Finally, discussions are followed to improve the effectiveness of a seat management system.



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  2. James R. Evans and David L. Olson(2002), Introduction to Simulation and Risk Analysis, Prentice Hall
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