데이터마이닝을 이용한 선박용 엔진 공장의 견적지원 방안

Cost Estimation for the Marine Engine's Factory using Association Rule

  • 오경모 (제론정보기술(주)) ;
  • 박창권 (울산대학교 산업정보경영공학부)
  • 투고 : 20060300
  • 심사 : 20061000
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The purpose of this thesis is to develop the schemes of supporting estimate for marine engines’ factories which are in a general make-to-order style. The marine engines’ factories currently use the method which depends on the past data and experiences handled by the responsible person, which causes inefficiency and inaccuracy in dealing with a huge amount of data. We apply association rule to solving the problems mentioned above. Critical data for analysis is filtered among materials that have been using actual records of performance so far. Secondly, relation with each part of marine engines through filtered data so that the company can estimate cost promptly and precisely if customers with similar components as requested. By proposed method of study estimate support efficient and supported exactly.



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