병원 간호조직의 유효성 결정요인

Determinants of Organizational Effectiveness on Hospital Nursing

  • Kim, Jong-Kyung (Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


Purposes: This study was to provide basic data to explain the effect of the organizational effectiveness factor on hospital nursing, to construct an appropriate model to examine the validation and relationship with variables and to provide basic data for improving the organizational effectiveness of hospital nursing. Method: This study was a descriptive correlation research. Subjects of the study were 348 nurses, 219 patients, and 89 nurses for nursing quality. Twelve measurement variables and nine paths were established in the hypothetical model. Results: The fitness indices of the model were GFI=0.91, NFI=0.90, and PGFI=0.49. Five among the nine paths proved to be statistically significant : level of nurse manpower to organizational effectiveness, conflict to organizational effectiveness, organizational climate to organizational effectiveness, level of nurse manpower to organizational climate, and leadership to organizational climate. Level of nurse manpower and leadership influenced organizational climate. Organizational climate accounted for 43% by the predictor variables, and the level of nurse manpower, conflict, and organizational climate influenced the organizational effectiveness, which accounted for 77% by the predictor variables. Conclusion: This study identified that the level of nurse manpower, leadership, conflict, and organizational climate are important factors affecting organizational effectiveness.
