퇴행성 관절염 환자를 대상으로 시행한 외기발공(外氣發功)의 유효성 고찰

  • 발행 : 2006.04.03


The purpose of this paper is to show that there is a sure effect of the Extra Gigong Therapy(EGT) on Osteoarthritis patients. 1. Methods of the Spreading-Qi, Breathe naturally, concentrate the mind on Lower Dan(elixir field), When exhaling, Mindwill accompanies Qi to go to the Conception Vessel(CV) and Governor Vessel(GV), conduct Qi to the palms or fingers and emit Qi, with the emitting site touching or leaving the treated region. Qi helps vitality exalted, balance kept, and the circulation well-flowed. 2. For that, we made a schedule of joining some of Osteoarthritis patients who usually take anti-Osteoarthritis drugs, dividing them into two of groups. One is EGT-taken(group 1) and the other is not EGT-taken(group 2). 3. For insurance of analytic accuracy, we use the IEMD(Inner Energy Meridian Diagnosis). 4. In conclusion, there was significant differences between two of groups. Especially from the point of view of liver, kidney and spleen meridian pathways.
