Effect of Season, Parity and Lactation on Reproductive Performance of Sows in a Tropical Humid Climate

  • Gourdine, J.L. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)) ;
  • Quesnel, H. (Unite Mixte de Recherches Systemes d'Elevage, Nutrition Animale et Humaine) ;
  • Bidanel, J.-P. (Station de Genetique Quantitative et Appliquee) ;
  • Renaudeau, D. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA))
  • 투고 : 2005.09.21
  • 심사 : 2006.02.15
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


The aim of this study was to analyze post-weaning reproductive performance of Large White sows in relation to season, parity and their lactation performance under tropical conditions in Guadeloupe (French West Indies, $16^{\circ}$ Lat. N, $61^{\circ}$ Long. W.). This work was based on data recorded in the experimental unit of INRA from January 1993 to December 2003. Two seasons were determined a posteriori from climatic parameters recorded continuously in a station close to the experimental unit. Mean ambient temperature was higher during the hot season than the warm season ($26^{\circ}C$ vs. $24^{\circ}C$) but relative humidity was comparable for both seasons (i.e. 87% on average). Season had a significant effect on all reproductive parameters analyzed. Primiparous sows weaned in the hot season had a higher probability of a prolonged weaning to estrus interval, WEI (odds ratio was 4.1; p<0.01) but multiparous sows were not affected. A higher probability of a prolonged weaning to conception interval, WCI (odds ratio >2.5, p<0.01) and a lower subsequent farrowing rate (-10%, p<0.01) were found for sows weaned in the hot season. A higher daily feed intake during lactation reduced the probability of a prolonged WEI (p<0.05). Body weight and average back-fat thickness at farrowing affected WEI and WCI (p<0.05), whereas body weight and average backfat thickness change in lactation did not. This study confirms the negative effects of the hot season on primiparous reproductive performance. It also indicates that lactation performance influences sow non-productive period.



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