Fluvio-marine paddy soils in Korea consist of high silt content and have the hardpan located below 20~30 cm from surface soil. This properties cause poor rice rhizosphere conditions such as low permeability and porosity, high bulk density and hardness. The aims of this study was to investigate the effect of popped rice hulls compost(PRHC) on soil fertility changes in the Fluvio-marine plain paddy soils. Total nitrogen content and nitrogen mineralization rate of PRHC were 1.17 and 33.5, respectively, and its C/N ratio was 35.4. Application of PRHC increased the content of organic matter and exchangeable potassium and improved the bulk density and porosity. The content of $NH_4-N$ in soil was high in the PRHC plot until maximum tillering stage. An uptake amount of fertilized nitrogen was greater in standard fertilization plot at early growth stage, however, it was greater more in PRHC plots at the ripening period than in standard fertilization plot. Among the PRHC treated plots, uptake amount was the greatest in 50% PRHC plot during the all growth period. Nitrogen efficiencies were higher in PRHC plot during the all growth period. Rice yields in all PRHC plots were lower than in standard fertilization, however, the yield of 40% PRHC plot was similar with that of standard.
시험에 사용한 팽화왕겨퇴비는 T-N 1.173%, 질소무기화율 33.5%, C/N율 35.4로써 높은 C/N율을 가졌다. 본시험은 전북통의 토양에서 동진 1호를 재배하였으며 2년간 팽화왕겨퇴비를 시용하였다. 팽화왕겨퇴비의 시용은 유기물 및 치환성 칼륨 함량을 증가시켰으며 시용량이 증가할수록 용적밀도 및 공극률이 향상 되는 효과를 나타내었다. 토양 중 $NH_4-N$ 용출양상은 최고분얼기 이전까지는 표준시비구에서 높았다. 시비질소 흡수량은 생육초기 표준시비구에서 많았으나 성숙기에는 팽화왕겨퇴비 시용구에서 다소 많았으며, 팽화왕겨퇴비 시용구들 간을 비교해 볼 때 생육전반에 걸쳐 50% 대체구에서 흡수량이 가장 많았다. 질소 이용률은 팽화왕겨퇴비 시용구에서 전반적으로 높은 이용률을 보였다. 쌀수량은 표준시비에 비해 모든 팽화왕겨퇴비 시용구에서 낮았으나 팽화왕겨퇴비 40% 시용구에서는 표준시비와 거의 비슷한 수준의 수량을 보였다.