The study of catalytic combustion of VOCs

휘발성 유기염소화합물의 촉매연소 연구

  • Lee, Keon-Joo (Department of Environmental Engineering, Sangji University)
  • Received : 2006.02.27
  • Accepted : 2006.03.23
  • Published : 2006.03.30


In this study, it was studied that the removal rate of VOC by the catalytic combustion. The combustion temperature was changed by the contact type of VOC(space velocity and catalyst depth) and the space velocity(SV) was defined by the rate of gas volume flow rate(Q, $m^3/hr$) over volume(V, $m^3$) of catalyst (SV=Q/V). The space velocity of catalytic combustor is maintained $10,000{\sim}50,000hr^{-1}$. it was studied that the conversion rate of VOC by the catalytic combustion. The combustion temperature was changed by the contact type of VOC and catalyst and the space velocity was defined by the rate of gas volume flow rate over volume of catalyst. The VOC which pass thru the heat exchanger was measured by the hydro ionic detector and measured the VOC removal rate by the activated catalyst in the reaction temperature range of 373K-423K. The removal rate was measured over 100 times. In the automobile painting booth The VOC concentration was 63.37ppm and the removal rate was 70 % at 373K and 78.92% at 423K. The removal rate was increased as increased the temperature.

본 연구에서는 휘발성 유기 화합물의 촉매연소에 의한 제거 반응에 대하여 조사 하였다. 촉매와 VOC의 접촉형태(공간속도 및 촉매층의 높이)에 따라 완전연소온도가 조금씩 달라지며 공간속도(SV)는 처리가스의 유량(Q, $m^3/hr$)을 촉매 층의 부피(V,$m^3$)로 나눈 값(SV=Q/V)을 나타내는 값으로, 촉매연소 장치에서는 보통 $10,000{\sim}50,000hr^{-1}$을 유지한다 열교환기를 통한 VOC는 수소염 이온화 검출기를 통하여 농도를 측정하였으며 반응온도는 373K-423K에서 촉매를 활성화 시켜 VOC 농도의 제거효율을 측정하였다. 농도측정은 100회 이상하여 제거효율을 조사 하였다. 자동차 도장시설에서 VOC 배출농도는 63.37 ppm 이며 373K 촉매 활성시 제거율은 평균 70% 이며 423K 촉매 활성시 제거효율은 78.92% 이었다. 반응농도가 증가할수록 제거효율은 증가하는 경향이었다.
