e-Science 환경을 위한 서비스 지향 구조의 그리드 미들웨어

  • 발행 : 2006.05.01




  1. Reading e-Science Centre, http://www.resc.rdg.ac.uk
  2. PPDG: Particle Physics Data Grid, http://www.ppdg.net
  3. iVDGL: International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory, http://www.ivdgl.org
  4. The GriPhyN Project, http://www.griphyn.org
  5. EOL: The Encyclopedia of Life, http://eol.sdsc.edu
  6. OSG: Open Science Grid, http://www.opensciencegrid.org
  7. ESG: Earth System Grid, http://www.earthsystemgrid.org
  8. EGEE: European Union Flag The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE, http://public.eu-egee.org
  9. R. Stevens, A. Robinson and C. Goble, 'myGrid: personalized bioinformatics on the information grid,' Bioinformatics, 19(1), pp.302-304, 2003 https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btg1041
  10. G. Allen et al., 'Enabling applications on the Grid-a GridLab overview. Intl. Journal on High Performance Computing Applications,' 17(4):449-466, 2003 https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420030174008
  11. LCG: LHC Computing Grid Project, http://lcg.web.cern.ch/LCG
  12. NAREGI Project, http://www.naregi.org/index_e.html
  13. HG2C Project, http://www.hg2c.org
  14. 이상근, 최재영, 황석찬, '그리드 환경에서 워크플로우의 서비스 매핑을 위한 메타 서비스', 정보처리학회논문지A 제12-A권 제 4호, pp.289-296, 2005 https://doi.org/10.3745/KIPSTA.2005.12A.4.289
  15. S. Kwon, J. Choi, and J. Lee, 'Protocol transparent application framework for Grid,' Proceedings of HPC Asia '2005, IEEE Computer Society Press, Page 378-384, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 2005
  16. A. Shahab, D. Chuon, T. Suzumura, W. W. Li, R. W. Byrnes, K. Tanaka, L. Ang, S. Matsuoka, P. E. Bourne, M. A. Miller, P. W. Arzberger, 'Grid Portal Interface for Interactive Use and Monitoring of High-Throughput Proteome Annotation,' Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 3370:53-67
  17. I. Foster, C. Kesselman, 'Globus: A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit,' Intl J. Supercomputer Applications, 11(2):115-128, 1997 https://doi.org/10.1177/109434209701100205
  18. G. Allen et al., 'The Grid Application Toolkit: Towards Generic and Easy Application Programming Interfaces for the Grid,' Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.93(3), pp.534-550, 2005
  19. GRMS(Gridlab Resource Managemet System), http://gridlab.org/WorkPackages/wp-9/
  20. Mercury, http://www.gridlab.org/WorkPackages/ wp-11/
  21. Triana, http://www.triana.co.uk
  22. I. Foster, C. Kesselman, G. Tsudik, S. Tuecke, 'A Security Architecture for Computational Grids,' Proc. 5th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security Conference, pp. 83-92, 1998
  23. K. Czajkowski, D. F. Ferguson, I. Foster, J. Frey, S. Graham, I. Sedukhin, D. Snelling, S. Tuecke, W. Vambenepe, 'The WS-Resource Framework,' March 5, 2004
  24. D. Abramson, R. Sosic, J. Giddy, and B. Hall. 'Nimrod: A tool for performing parameterised simulations using distributed workstations,' In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing(HPDC). IEEE Computer Soceity Press, USA, 1995
  25. G. von Laszewski, I. Foster, J. Gawor, P. Lane, 'A Java Commodity Grid Toolkit,' Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 13, 2001
  26. Java CoG Kit Karajan Workflow Reference Manual, http://wiki.cogkit.org/index.php/Java_CoG_Kit_Karajan_Workflow_Reference_Manual