인간공학적 조종실 설계를 위한 계기 탐색 형태에 관한 연구

Investigation of the visual search patterns of the cockpit displays for the ergonomic cockpit design

  • 송영웅 (대구가톨릭대학교 산업보건학과) ;
  • 이종선 (공군사관학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


There are many display panels in the flight cockpit and pilots get various flight information from those displays. The ergonomic layout of the displays must be determined based upon frequency of use and sequence of use. This study investigated the visual search patterns of the six display groups(one head-up-display: HUD, two multi function displays: MFDs, one engine group: EG, one flight display group: FD and others) in a fighting aircraft. Four expert pilots conducted Imaginary flight in the physical mock-up and the eye movements were collected using eye tracking system. Data of dwell time, frequency of use, and eye movement path were collected. Pilots spent most of time on HUD(55.2%), and others (21.6%), FD(14.2%), right MFD(4.7%), EG(3.2%), and left MFD(1.1%) in descending order. Similarly HUD(42.8%) and others(30.0%) were the most frequently visited displays. These data can be used in the layout of cockpit displays and the determination of optimal visual search pattern.



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