A Study on the Effective Operating Policy of Regional IT Industry by Critical Success Factors of IT Industry

IT산업 성공요인에 의한 지역 IT산업의 효율적 운영방안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.05.01


This study investigates the critical success factors for the promotion of IT industry in region and suggests some directions for operations strategy of them. This study based on the critical success factors, and we suggest followings : (1) start-ups support, (2) technology support, (3) management support, (4) law/institutional support. We suggested the strategy which based on critical success factors for successful operations of IT industry. This strategy suggested by AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) results and was evaluated by the three groups(IT firms, local government official worker, professor) which have an influence on IT policy. We suggested the priority of policy by AHP technique for successful development of IT industry. As a results, centralization of supporting facilities was perceived as the most important policy by three groups(IT firms, local government official worker, professor). This research contributes to assist planners and policy-makers in supporting IT industry by providing useful information about the suggested strategy, and by suggesting the effective means to assist the IT industry. Also, results of our research will be suggested as a priority of developing policy to assist successful IT industry.



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