A Study on the Mitigation Schemes of Thermal Stratification Phenomenon in a Branch Piping

분기배관에서의 열성층 현상 완화방안에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.07.01


A variety of schemes were sought for a mitigation of thermal stratification phenomenon in the branch piping of domestic nuclear power plant. Several mechanisms of thermal stratification occurrence were introduced in this paper. A number of factors were selected to find out the schemes for thermal stratification mitigation and the computational analysis were performed. The length of vertical branch piping, the diameter, the radius of curvature of the elbow, the direction of connection between main piping and branch piping, the slope of branch piping, the leakage flow rate, the installation of additional valve, the change of the 1st valve position and another branch piping connected with branch piping were mentioned as factors in this paper.



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