대한한방소아과학회지 (The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine)
- 제20권3호
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- Pages.161-169
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- 2006
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- 1226-8038(pISSN)
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- 2287-9463(eISSN)
한방병원에 내원하는 성장 환자의 유형 분류
A classificatory study about the tendency of the patient who visited oriental medical hospital for growth treatment
- Han, Kyoung-Hoon (Dept. of Pediatrics, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
Park, Eun-Jung
(Dept. of Pediatrics, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University) ;
- Lee, Hai-Ja (Dept. of Pediatrics, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University)
- 발행 : 2006.12.31
Objectives : Patients who visit oriental medical hospital for growth treatment are increasing. So we aimed to classify the tendency of the patients. Methods : We studied 231 patients who visited Oriental medical hospital for growth treatment from January 2004 to August 2005. We classified sex ratio, height percentile, symptom form of the Oriental medicine, age ratio and developed complication of patients. We used X-ray, endoscope for nasal cavity, blood sample, the Standard Growth Table made by the Korean Association of Pediatrics, 1998. Results : The results which were classified as follows; boys were 50.2 percentile, girls were 49.8 percentile. The classification according to age stage resulted as follows; infant stage 1.3 percentile, preschool age 13.4%, school age 28.6%, rapid growth stage 22.9 percentile, puberty 33.8 percentile. The classification according to height percentile resulted as follows; 3 percentile or under 12.1%, 25 percentile or under 48.9%, 50 percentile or under 25.6%, 75 percentile or under 10.8%, 75 percentile excess 2.6%. The classification according to disease resulted as follows; paranasal sinusitis 12.1 percentile, allergic rhinitis 10 percentile, atopic dermatitis 5.6 percentile, nocturia 3 percentile, convulsion or tic disorder 2.2 percentile, precocious puberty 1.3 percentile, Tuner syndrome 0.9 percentile, developmental disability 0.4 percentile. Conclusions : Sex ratio of children patients who visited Orienatal medical hospital were nearly the same. 13.4% of hospital visit children patients were taller than average. Most of the male children patients were school ages while the female were in puberty. 35.5% of them have developed complication as follows; paranasal sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, nocturia, convulsion or tic disorder, precocious puberty, Tuner syndrome and developmental disability.