유청농축분말을 첨가한 저지방 머핀의 품질특성

Quality Characteristics of Low-Fat Muffins Containing Whey Protein Concentrate

  • 정해정 (대진대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Chung, Hai-Jung (Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Daejin University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The aim of this study was to develop muffins with whey protein concentrate (WPC) substituted for fat at the content of 10%, 20%, 40% or 80%. The quality characteristics were compared with those of a full-fat counterpart. With increasing WPC content, moisture, protein, and ash contents increased, fat content decreased, volume and specific volume of muffin decreased, but weight was unaffected. Crust lightness and yellowness of muffins increased, but redness decreased with increasing amount of WPC. Hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and brittleness were the highest in muffin substituted with 80% WPC. Results of sensory evaluation indicated that muffin with up to 40% of the butter substituted by WPC was considered to be as acceptable as the control muffin prepared without WPC.



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