육미지황원(六味地黃元)의 형상의학적(形象醫學的) 고찰

Study about Yukmigiwhangwon in the Point of Hyungsang Medicine

  • 강유식 (세동한의원) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 한의학연구소)
  • Kang, You-Sik (Se Dong Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2006.10.25


Following conclusions are drawn from study about Yukmigiwhangwon through referring to literatures and reviewing in the point of Hyungsang medicine. Yukmigiwhangwon was prescribed by Jeon Eul in order to cure five kinds of flaccidity of infants, but after since then it has been basically applied to symptoms which was caused by deficiency of the kidney not only infants but also adult. The deficiency of kidney is the lack of vital essence and body fluid stored in kidney, it happens because infants are born in the conditions of lack of receiving in the womb. And it happens because adults infringe the rules of life, especially the sexual life. Main symptoms of the poverty of renal functions are emptiness of the brain marrow, dizziness, forgetfulness, tinnitus, deafness, vertigo and dim eyesight, insomnia, the low back and knees aching and limping, heat on the legs, tibia aching, nocturnal emission, dry mouth, reddened tongue and little coating or non coating of the 'tongue, weak blood meridians. the treating method is nourishing Eum and supplementing kidney. In Dongeuibogam Yukmigiwhangwon is mentioned in the parts of vital essence, blood, voice, kidney, urine, eye, ear, the low back, hair, fire, exhaustion syndrome, cough, polydipsia, infant, etc. The shapes which Yukmigiwhangwon is applied to are the Dam Body Doing deficiency of Eum due to excess of Yang, man, infant, Jung type, Fish group, reverse triangular shape, big headed man, big eared man, big mouthed man, man having prominent cheekbones, man having long waist, man having big hips, man with thick hair or white hair, man with bald on the head, etc. In color it is applied to darkish complexion, flushed tip of the nose, or flushed cheek bones. Through inquiring into the clinical cases on the points of Hyungsang medicine Yukmigiwhangwon is efficacious cure to lumbago, symptoms of tendons and bones, symptoms of eyes and ears, symptoms of respiratory organs, dermatopathia, headache, polydipsia, urinary disorders, etc.



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