A Study on the Formative Characteristic and the Components of Visual Evaluation of the Bolero

볼레로의 조형적 특성과 시각적 평가의 구성요인

  • 김정미 (부경대학교 패션디자인전공) ;
  • 이정순 (상명대학교 의상디자인전공)
  • Received : 2006.05.09
  • Published : 2006.12.31


The purposes of this study are to look into the formative characteristics of the bolero and to evaluate the visual effects and images according to changes in the line and length of the connecting lines of the neck, center front, and hem lines from analyzing the bolero style shown in 2005 S/S domestic fashion. Theoretical examination of the bolero was made philologically with reference books, theses and some articles. And the bolero style shown in 2005 S/S domestic fashion was analyzed with pictures from a fashion magazine "Ceci" and a fashion website 'Interfashion Planning" from Feb. to Aug. of 2005. As a result, the basic lines of the bolero are classified into three different categories according to the connecting lines of the neck, center front line, and hem line. We altered the length of the bolero in three categories with the changes in the waistline-5 cm, 8 cm, and 11 cm. For the visual evaluation, 9 stimuli were placed in mannequins, and were estimated by the experts in the fashion design. For the visual evaluation according to changes in the line and length of the bolero, we used 12 pairs of items to find the visual effects, and 13 pairs of adjectives to measure the visual images. The stimuli and adjectives were randomly given to the evaluators and were evaluated by the 7-Point Likert Type Scale. Data we got from this experiment was analyzed statistically by using the SPSS 12.0 and practiced the Factor Analysis and Correlation Analysis. In the current women's garments, the bolero is a new fashion item which combines with jackets or cardigans. Usually the bolero jacket is made out of a cotton, denim, leather or fur, and the bolero cardigan usually used knitted materials. The design could be very varied depending on the roundness of the center front line, and hem line. According to the result of factor analysis of the visual effects of the Bolero, four factors were identified the whole silhouette, neck line, breasts and shoulders. According to the result of factor analysis of the visual image of the Bolero, three factors were identified maturity, tenderness, neatness.



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