진품과 복제품 구매의도 - 패션 명품을 중심으로 -

Purchasing Intentions toward Originals and Counterfeits - Foreign Fashion Luxury Brands -

  • 박혜정 (한국산업기술대학교 교양학과) ;
  • 전경숙 (한성대학교 의류패션산업전공)
  • 투고 : 2006.03.06
  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


The purpose of this study was to classify the clusters based on two behavioral intentions toward purchasing originals and counterfeits of foreign fashion luxury brands and to examine the differences in personality characteristics and demographics. This study included attitude toward counterfeit, consumer ethnocentrism, materialism, and need for uniqueness as personality characteristics and gender, monthly household income, and pocket money as demographics. Data were gathered by surveying university students living in Seoul metropolitan area using convenient sampling, and 320questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. In analyzing data, cluster analysis, x-test, and One-way ANOVA were conducted. As a result of the cluster analysis based on two behavioral intentions toward purchasing originals and counterfeits, four groups were identified. There were significant differences in attitude toward counterfeit and materialism according to the purchasing intention clusters. x-tests also showed there were significant differences between the number of male and female subjects in each of the four clusters. Females are significantly more represented than females in all four clusters.



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