등가정하중을 이용한 접합날개의 구조최적설계

Structural Optimization of a Joined-Wing Using Equivalent Static Loads

  • 발행 : 2006.05.01


The joined-wing is a new concept of the airplane wing. The fore-wing and the aft-wing are joined together in a joined-wing. The range and loiter are longer than those of a conventional wing. The joined-wing can lead to increased aerodynamic performance and reduction of the structural weight. In this research, dynamic response optimization of a joined-wing is carried out by using equivalent static loads. Equivalent static loads are made to generate the same displacement field as the one from dynamic loads at each time step of dynamic analysis. The gust loads are considered as critical loading conditions and they dynamically act on the structure of the aircraft. It is difficult to identify the exact gust load profile. Therefore, the dynamic loads are assumed to be (1-cosine) function. Static response optimization is performed for the two cases. One uses the same design variable definition as dynamic response optimization. The other uses the thicknesses of all elements as design variables. The results are compared.



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