현대 건축에 나타나는 색채의 다중적 의미

Multiple Meaning of Color in Contemporary Architecture

  • 최왕돈 (국민대학교 건축대학) ;
  • 양선아 (국민대학교 건축대학, 창조건축)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


This study aims to analyze the multiple meaning of color variously expressed in contemporary architecture. Nowadays heterogeneity, plurality and ephemerality of modem society have been well presented in contemporary architecture. The phenomenal characteristic of color is so appropriate to express the unfixed and immaterialized attributes of contemporary architecture that it can make color a major element of architecture, which, in the past, used to be a minor element for the lack of materiality. Through the analysis of contemporary important building projects in terms of color, it can be concluded that the architectural application of color shows multiple meanings as follows; phenomenal expression, visualization of complex programs and embodiment of design process, reflection of context and control of users' mentality. At the same time, these multiple meanings are complexly presented in a single building project.



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