Software Complexity and Management for Real-Time Systems

  • Agarwal Ankur (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University) ;
  • Pandya A.S. (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University) ;
  • Lbo Young-Ubg (Dept. of Computer Education, Silla University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


The discipline of software performance is very broad; it influences all aspects of the software development lifecycle, including architecture, design, deployment, integration, management, evolution and servicing. Thus, the complexity of software is an important aspect of development and maintenance activities. Much research has been dedicated to defining different software measures that capture what software complexity is. In most cases, the description of complexity is given to humans in forms of numbers. These quantitative measures reflect human-seen complexity with different levels of success. Software complexity growth has been recognized to be beyond human control. In this paper, we have focused our discussion on the increasing software complexity and the issue with the problems being faced in managing this complexity. This increasing complexity in turn affects the software productivity, which is declining with increase in its complexity.



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