The Prediction of Wave Groups within a Harbor to Assist Ship Operation at the Entrance

  • Cho Ik-Soon (Research Institute of Maritime Industry, Korea Maritime University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


Waves, which are the main source of ship motions in a seaway, considerably affect the performance of a ship. The study of waves and their impact on ship motions within harbors is an important aspect of the design and operation of harbors. The prediction of incoming groups of waves is particularly important for evaluating ship motion within a harbor. Such a prediction makes it possible to evaluate ship safety more accurately. The wave transformation model reported here is applied to actual ports based on Boussinesq wave equations both non-linear and dispersive wave processes be considered in order to capture physical effects such as wave shoaling, refractions, reflection and diffraction in variable depth environments. The prediction of incoming groups of waves is particularly important for evaluating ship motion within a harbor, Such a prediction makes it possible to evaluate ship safety more accurately and provide safe wave informations for navigation. Furthermore, a wave information support system is proposed for entering ships as one technique for improving the safety of ship operations. This system predicts the run of waves and reduces the danger by identifying the most dangerous point near the harbor entrance at the small wave groups.



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