사료용 옥수수 연구 -IV. 조사료용 CNU 육성 교잡종 옥수수의 수량관련 주요특성

Study on Forage Maize Crop -IV. Characteristics related with Production Performance of the Developed CNU Maize Hybrids for Forage Crop

  • Lee, Hee-Bong (Division of Plant Resources, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Jung, Jae-Young (Division of Plant Resources, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Il (Chungnam Province Agri. Reaearch and Extention Sevices) ;
  • Park, Bo-Young (Division of Plant Resources, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Ji, Hee-Chung (Division of Plant Resources, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Moon, Hyeon-Gui (Crop Experiment Station, RDA)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


국내에서 새로 육성된 사료용 옥수수 교잡종에 대한 수량 관련시험을 실시한 결과 CNU 교잡종의 생육 특성은 다른 교잡종보다 간장과 착수고가 다소 낮은 경향을 보인 반면에, 종실 수량은 대조구인 광안옥에 비해 8%, 건물수량은 30%가 각각 증수되었으나 수원 169호보다 4%나 낮았다. 내재해성은 조명나방, 깨시무늬병에서 대조구와 비슷한 저항성을 보였으며, CNU교잡종의 후기 녹체성은 수원에서 육성된 교잡종과 같이 대조구 보다 우수한 것으로 나타났다.

This study was carried out to compare a yield performance about CNU maize hybrids developed at the Maize Genetics and Breeding Lab. in Chungnam National University. Among the hybrids incorporated in the test, CNU 3 and 1 showed higher dry matter per 10a and lower kernel yield per 10a than check hybrid, Kwanganok. Hongchon 5 and Suwon169 showed higher kernel yield than Kwanganok. The average yield of CNU 3 hybrid in dry matter and CNU 4 in kernel yield were 2,106kg/10a and 854kg/10a in regional adaptability test, which were increased 33% and 8% compared with a check hybrid, respectively. Also, these hybrids had better stay green characteristics than check hybrid and showed moderately resistance to corn borer and leaf spot.
