The Effects of Parenting Environment During Pregnancy in Relation to the Child's Later Behavioral, and Emotional Characteristics

  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


This study investigates the impact of the shared environment of pregnant women and their unborn child on the later emotional and behavioral characteristics of a child, extending into his or her adulthood. Using a sample of some 16,000 children from the National Child Development Study, the study demonstrated a positive relationship between the quality of the maternal environment and later emotional and behavioral performances during childhood and adulthood. These findings support the study hypothesis, suggesting that parenting environment such as mother‘s employment, husband’s social class and the mother‘s smoking habits during pregnancy has an affection on the later emotional and behavioral development of the child. The dimensions of the child’s emotional and behavioral well-being may be enhanced by therapeutic interventions and/or by helping pregnant women to develop a positive social network.



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