지역사회 중심 평생학습운동의 추진방향 탐색: 외국의 평생학습운동 사례를 중심으로

A Probe for Local Community Centered Lifelong Learning Movement's Course of Action

  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


As we encounter the global and localized era, the development operations on a regional level are in active promotion. This manuscript has been completed with the purpose of probing for course of action in lifelong learning movement in terms of activating and developing of local communities. For this, the comparative analysis of practiced cases in America's community school movement, Japan's movement for establishing lifelong learning village and Sweden's study circle movement have been made. For the analytical frame of the comparison, the actual results on background of promotion, themes for practice, details of practice, methods for practice of local community centered lifelong learning movement have been applied. As a result of analysis, the local community centered lifelong learning movement has been promoted to break each country's social and economic crisis and to activate the local community. The promotion of each operation has been accomplished with the support of specific organization and the participants were the citizens of the local community. Also, the details of practice are composed of operating the people-centered lifelong learning program, cooperative learning by local citizens and local community realization activity. The details of education is closely related with the life of learners. Therefore, the lifelong movement for the activation of local community hereafter should be promoted based on the coherence of local community, should be able to contain the actual life of the citizens and should be practiced as a process of forming the lifelong learning group at concerned local community through a democratic learning process.
