A Joint Motion Planning Based on a Bio-Mimetic Approach for Human-like Finger Motion

  • Kim Byoung-Ho (Division of Electrical and Mechatronics Engineering, Kyungsung University)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


Grasping and manipulation by hands can be considered as one of inevitable functions to achieve the performances desired in humanoid operations. When a humanoid robot manipulates an object by his hands, each finger should be well-controlled to accomplish a precise manipulation of the object grasped. So, the trajectory of each joint required for a precise finger motion is fundamentally necessary to be planned stably. In this sense, this paper proposes an effective joint motion planning method for humanoid fingers. The proposed method newly employs a bio-mimetic concept for joint motion planning. A suitable model that describes an interphalangeal coordination in a human finger is suggested and incorporated into the proposed joint motion planning method. The feature of the proposed method is illustrated by simulation results. As a result, the proposed method is useful for a facilitative finger motion. It can be applied to improve the control performance of humanoid fingers or prosthetic fingers.



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