개 경부 및 요부 디스크의 수침치료

Treatment of Canine Cervical and Lumbar Disc Disease by Injection-Acupuncture

  • Kim Duck-Hwan (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Liu Jian-Zhu (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Lee Young-Won (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Song Kun-Ho (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kang Sang-Kyu (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Choi Ho-Jung (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Seo Kang-Moon (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Choi Seok-Hwa (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Nam Tchi-Chou (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Rogers Phil A.M. (Teagasc, Orange Research Centre)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


개 추간판 디스크의 2증례를 수침치료를 하였다. 증례 1은 경부 디스크(C3-C4)의 증례이었으며, 1-2차 치료에서는 덱사메타손(1 mg/ml), 3-5차 치료에서는 염산치아민(25mg/ml)을 각각 수침하였다. 사용혈위는 GV-16, GB-20, BL-10, LU-7, LI-4 및 SI-6이었다. 2-5차 치료에는 GV-6, GV-20 및 SP-6의 혈위를 추가하였다. 3-5차 치료에는 2% 염산리도카인(0.2ml)를 이용하여 견갑아래근 및 상완세갈래근의 압통점에 각각 수침하였다. 5차 치료 후 마비증상은 소실되어 치료를 중단하였으며, 5개월 후 증상의 재발은 인정되지 않았다. 증례 2는 요부디스크의 증례(L1-L2)로 1-2차 치료에는 덱사메타손 수침을 3-4차치료에는 염산치아민을 각각 수침하였다. 사용혈위는 GV-6를 주혈로, ST-36, ST-40, GB-34, ST-41 및 BL-40을 부혈로 각각 사용하였다. 또한 허리장골 늑골근 및 대퇴네갈래근의 압통점에 2% 염산리도카인(0.2ml)를 각각 수침하였다. 4차 치료 후 마비증상이 호전되어 치료를 중단하였고, 5개월 후 현재 까지 증상의 재발은 인정되지 않았다. 이상의 증례를 통하여, 덱사메타손과 염산치아민의 수침 및 리도카인을 이용한 압통점치료의 병용은 개의 경부 및 요부디스크의 증상을 효과적으로 콘트롤 할 수 있는 것으로 판단되었다.

Two cases of canine intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) were treated twice a week with injection-acupuncture (injection-AP) using 0.1 ml/acupoint. In case 1, a paralysed dog with cervical intervertebral disc disease (C3-C4), was submitted to injection-AP with dexamethasone (1 mg/ml) at session 1-2 and thiamine (25 mg/ml) at session 3-5. Injected acupoints included GV-16, GB-20, BL-10, LU-7, LI-4 and SI-6. The acupoints GV-6, GV-20 and SP-6 were added at session 2-5. Trigger point (TP) therapy with 0.2 ml of 2% lidocaine was used in session 3-5 at TP in the infraspinatus and triceps muscles. Treatment was stopped when paralysis disappeared after 5 injection-AP treatments; there were no recurrent symptoms in the follow-up period of 5 months. In case 2, an ataxic dog with lumbar IVDD (L1-L2), was submitted to injection-AP with dexamethasone at session 1 and 2 and thiamine at session 3-4. Injected acupoints included GV-6 as the main point, ST-36, GB-30, ST-40, GB-34, ST-41 and BL-40. TP therapy with 0.2 ml of 2% lidocaine was used at TP in the ileocostorum lumborum and quadriceps muscles. Treatment was stopped when ataxia disappeared after 4 treatments; there were no recurrent symptoms In the fallow-up period of 5 months. Injection-AP using dexamethasone and thiamine, combined with TP therapy using lidocaine, effectively alleviate the symptoms of canine cervical and lumbar IVDD.



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