그린 이구아나에서 medetomidine-tiletamine/zolazepam의 병용 마취시 atipamezole의 길항작용

The Reverse Effects of Atipamezole on Medetomidine-tiletamine/zolazepam Combination Anesthesia in the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)

  • Jung So-Young (Seoul Grand Park Zoo Veterinary Hospital Examination Affairs Division) ;
  • Kim Min-Su (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee Na-Young (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim Sun-Young (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Seo Kang-Moon (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Nam Tchi-Chou (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


그린 이구아나에서 medetomidine과 tiletamine/zolazepam의 병용마취시 atipamezole에 의한 길항효과를 알아 보기 위하여 본 실험을 실시하였다. 심박동수, 호흡수 그리고 체온을 측정하였으며 righting reflex에 의하여 마취의 심도 및 회복을 평가하였다. 두군 모두에서 심박동수와 호흡수는 마취주사 5분 후에 유의성 있는 감소를 보였으며 (p<0.05) atipamezole 주사 후에는 지속적으로 증가하는 양상을 보였다. 본 연구결과 atipamezole $500{\mu}g/kg$은 medetomidine $500{\mu}g/kg$과 liletamine/zolazepam 10mg/kg의 병용마취를 실시한 그린 이구아나에서 효과적인 길항 용량이라고 생각된다.

This study was performed to investigate the reverse effects of atipamezole in green iguana anesthetized with intramuscular administration of medetomidine-tiletamine/zolazepam ($Zoletil^{\circledR}$). Heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature were measured. Anesthetic depth was evaluated by righting reflex. In all study groups, heart rate and respiratory rate significantly decreased at 5 min after anesthetic administration, and gradually increased after atipamezole administration. The present study suggested that $500{\mu}g/kg$ atipamezole was effective reversal dosage for $500{\mu}g/kg$ medetomidine and 10 mg/kg liletamine/zolazepam combination anesthesia in green iguanas.



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