어린이병원학교 백혈병 환아어머니의 아동건강 학습 요구

The child's health and learning needs of mother of children with leukemia in a Children School of Hospital

  • Oh, Jin-A (Department of Nursing, Inje University)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


Purpose: This study was to explore the child's health and learning needs of mother of children with leukemia in a children school of a hospital and to describe the basic material for intervention program development. Methods: Participants in this study was 7 mother of children with leukemia. Data collection consisted of in-depth focus group interviews done from April 21 to 30 in 2005. Results: 3 categories emerged from 9 theme clusters. The categories was 'tutorial service', 'emotional service' and 'disease control'. Conclusion: The results of this study show that pediatric nurses need to pay attention to the learning needs of mother and children in the children school of hospital and develop the program to support the children with leukemia and chronic disease.
