농업용 저수지의 어류군집 특성

The Characterization of Fish Communities in Agricultural Reservoirs

  • 발행 : 2006.03.31


Most South Korean lakes are middle/small size artificial reservoirs, which are almost agricultural reservoirs (17,956). A total of 67 species (21 families) were recorded and collected from 65 agricultural reservoirs though field samplings and literature surveys. Dominant species was Pseudorasbora parva (relative abundance 24.5%), and Carassius auratur (41 sites) was the highest frequency. Feeding group of fish communities in the reservoirs was as follows: carnivorous (16.2%), omnivorous (79.5%) and herbivorous fish (4.3%). The number of individuals (P=0.024), species number (P=0.047) and carnivores number (P=0.024) were significantly correlated with reservoir ages. Reservoirs were classified into 3 groups according to feeding patterns of carnivore, omnivore and herbivore groups. The omnivores were dominant group in agricultural reservoirs. Detailed studies on fish community will be a base for the understanding of food web structure and biomanipulation in reservoir systems.



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